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This page contains information about downloads and other changes applicable to Dyalog APL releases or other items of relevence to DSS users.

2015/01/21: Please note that the updates being made to this page are likely to be the last ones ever; we have migrated these support pages to Please check that you can log in to (your username and password should be the same as here); if you are unable to log in to, please contact

The Patch Downloads page has information specific to downloading and applying patches to the Windows interpreters.

In the descriptions below, $DYALOG is used to refer to the directory in which Dyalog APL is installed. This will vary depending on which version of Dyalog APL you have installed, and on which operating system. If you have more than one version of Dyalog APL installed then you will have to repeat the process for each applicable version.

Typical examples of the installation directory include:
    C:\Program Files\Dyalog\Dyalog APL-64 13.2 Unicode
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Dyalog\Dyalog APL 13.1 Classic
    C:\Program Files\Dyalog\Dyalog APL 12.1 Unicode

Page Navigation

Orange Arrow Skip to the latest Microsoft .NET DLLs at the bottom of this page

Orange Arrow 011805: Under some circumstances in a multi-threaded application, calls to a .NET object could be made on the wrong thread and others
Orange Arrow SharpPlot Version 2.51
Orange Arrow Syncfusion controls Version
Orange Arrow Various fixes to elements of .NET bridge for version 14.0 including DataBinding
Orange Arrow Various fixes and enhancements to Conga 2.5
Orange Arrow 011013: A :For loop which enumerates .NET objects might lead to a syserror 999 or a spurious WS FULL
Orange Arrow 010718: Conga 2.4 and earlier are exposed to security bug CVE-2014-0092 in GnuTLS
Orange Arrow 009766: WS Explorer does not show anything for the metadata for a simple assembly
Orange Arrow 009860: Array Editor, which contains a number of fixes and enhancements
Orange Arrow 006199: An ambiguous match occurs while performing ⍒ or ⍋ on an array of GNU MP BigInts
Orange Arrow 009580/009581: Syntax colouring issues
Orange Arrow 009450: 64 bit only: Array Editor may generate a spurious DOMAIN ERROR when attempting to save an array
Orange Arrow 009280: There needs to be a way to free ARRAY structures allocated by ObjectToARRAY() from bridge_132_unicode_ap.dll
Orange Arrow 009212: Array Editor: Changes to numeric arrays fail with a spurious DOMAIN ERROR in versions to
Orange Arrow 008889: Decimal serialization and double to System.Decimal conversion issues
Orange Arrow 008797: Add support for Integrated Windows Authentication to Conga
Orange Arrow 008644: .NET framework 4.5: APL callbacks are not connected to the event handler of an instance of a .NET class and 008668: Conversion to and from the Dyalog DECF and the .NET Decimal type do not work if the system decimal separator is not "."
Orange Arrow 008470: Configuration enhancement: in Classic trace/edit mode the session can be set to appear above Edit and Trace windows
Orange Arrow 007695: Windows only: Rapidly starting an AP multiple times results in 64-bit APLs hanging
Orange Arrow 008176: It is not possible to use a Signature that contains an array of exported objects in a function exported to a .NET assembly.
Orange Arrow 007445: Running .NET functions in multiple APL threads could generate a memory leak
Orange Arrow 007733: The use of some .NET delegate types could generate an ArgumentException
Orange Arrow 007340: Syserror involving .NET calls and )si
Orange Arrow i007412: Exported In-process server did not look for Dyalog DLL in the same directory
Orange Arrow .NET Interface required for 12.1 and 13.0 intepreters with SVN 9220 or higher (fix details below)
Orange Arrow Fixes for 007048: Accessing the .NET framework from a thread whose parent thread has ended could occasionally crash the interpreter & 007173: It is not possible to call a "family" or "protected" base class constructor with :Base
Orange Arrow Fixes for 006963: It is not possible to create assemblies with .NET v4 & 006910: Unexpected System.TypeInitializationException using an assembly exported from Dyalog
Orange Arrow 006958: The .NET interface does not pick the best overload for a vector of 2 character vectors
Orange Arrow 006790: Null reference exception using character vectors as indices to input data into a .NET table object
Orange Arrow 006542: Minor Enhancement: Add .NET AP bridge files to .NET installation images
Orange Arrow Fixes for .NET related problems #6424/#6452, #6446 and #6496
Orange Arrow Fixes for .NET related problems #6419/6451 (cutting back stack) and #6420 (Incorrect shape of property fn)
Orange Arrow Fix for problem #6220: Crash with .NET, threading and marshalling
Orange Arrow Further enhancement for 006113: UCS-4/UTF-32 characters are truncated when being passed across the .NET interface
Orange Arrow June 2010 rollup of V12.1 .NET DLLs and APs
Orange Arrow Fix for Problem #5825: Incorrect use of op_Implicit in System.Web.Control .NET class
Orange Arrow Fixes to memory leaks when running an APL .NET server from ASP.NET
Orange Arrow Change to AP interface in V12.1 64-bit editions for Windows requires new APs and rebuilding customer's APs
Orange Arrow Mapped variables and ∆mput and ∆mappend now supported by 64-bit interpreters
Orange Arrow Latest PATCH.DWS (9th February 2009)
Orange Arrow Auxiliary Processors Containing Fix for V12.0, Problems #3895, #4616 and #4233
Orange Arrow Auxiliary Processors Containing Fix for Problem #3680
Orange Arrow "Stubs" Including Fix for Problem #3609
Orange Arrow Updated SQAPL DLL (for v11.0)
Orange Arrow Latest .NET Interface downloads

Under some circumstances in a multi-threaded application, calls to a .NET object could be made on the wrong thread

20th January 2015
These fixes and enhancements are included in the latest .NET bridge files for version 14.0 which can be found at the bottom of this page.
Note that these fixes are included in the Dyalog APL for Windows version 14.0 installation images dated 2015-01-21 or later.

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SharpPlot Version 2.51

20th January 2015
SharpPlot Version 2.51 contains the following fixes over and above the previous released version. Note that this version of SharpPlot in included in the Dyalog APL for Windows version 14.0 installation images dated 2015-01-21 or later.

To install, download the sharpplot.dll and copy it into you Dyalog installation directory.

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Syncfusion controls Version

20th January 2015
By downloading and installing this zip file, you are acknowledging that you are agreeing to the licence that applies to these controls; this includes the condition that they must only be used with Dyalog; you may not use them with other products without purchasing the controls from Syncfusion.

As a service to our users, Dyalog will from time to time make available more recent versions of the Syncfusion controls. The version is, released by Syncfusion on 2014-12-24.

To install, download the sharpplot.dll and copy it into you Dyalog installation directory.

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Various fixes to elements of .NET bridge for version 14.0 including DataBinding

2nd September 2014
These fixes and enhancements are included in the latest .NET bridge files for version 14.0 which can be found at the bottom of this page.

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Various fixes and enhancements to Conga 2.5

8th August 2014
These fixes and enhancements are included in the Conga files which can be found near the bottom of this page.

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011013 A :For loop which enumerates .NET objects might lead to a syserror 999 or a spurious WS FULL

13th May 2014

This fixes applies to 13.2 only.
This fix requires .NET support files with version 21457 or higher; these can be found at the bottom of this page.

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010718 Conga 2.4 and earlier are exposed to security bug CVE-2014-0092 in GnuTLS

26th March 2014

On all platforms Conga 2.4 and earlier is exposed to the security bug described in CVE-2014-0092. This affects the use of Conga with secure communications (SSL and TLS) only.
Conga 2.5 has been recompiled against GnuTLS 3.2.12 which contains a fix for this issue. Conga 2.5 can be used with all versions of Dyalog APL from 13.0 onwards; if you need to run Conga 2.5 with Version 12.1 please contact
The images contain a new Conga workspace, new dlls/shared libraries, the latest Conga User Guide and a document describing the changes that have been made between Conga 2.0 and Conga 2.5.

The original files containing Conga 2.5 were released on 17th March 2014. A bug which prevented Windows versions of Conga from using the Microsoft Certificate store has subsequently been fixed and the Windows versions of Conga 2.5 updated.

This fix is included in the Conga files which can be found near the bottom of this page.

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009766 WS Explorer does not show anything for the metadata for a simple assembly

9th September 2013

This fix requires new .NET support files which can be found at the bottom of this page.
Note that these new .NET support files are REQUIRED by 13.0, 13.1 and 13.2 interpreters created on or after this date; you MUST update both the .NET support files and the interpreter at the same time.

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009860 Array Editor, which contains a number of fixes and enhancements

20th August 2013
These fixes apply to 13.2 UNICODE only. contains a number of enhancements and fixes over previous versions, including:

To install the patch, download the 32-bit or 64-bit zip file as appropriate. Unzip into a temporary directory and then copy the .dll and help directory into the Dyalog installation directory.

Note: Dyalog only supports the Array Editor with the Unicode edition of Dyalog APL 13.2 onwards for Windows. Visit for support for Classic editions and for other APL dialects. Note also that it may be necessary to unblock the new $DYALOG\help\dlaedit.chm file before you can see its contents. To do this, right click on the file in Windows Explorer and select Properties; the bottom-most button on the General tab will be "Unblock" if this has not already been done.

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006199 An ambiguous match occurs while performing ⍒ or ⍋ on an array of GNU MP BigInts

27th June 2013

These fixes apply to 13.2 only.
006199 An ambiguous match occurs while performing ⍒ or ⍋ on an array of GNU MP BigInts
This fix requires .NET support files with version 18249 or higher; these can be found at the bottom of this page.

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009580/009581: Syntax colouring issues

20th June 2013

These fixes apply to 13.2 only.
009580: If you cut some text from the beginning of the line, editor syntax colouring can go wrong
009581: Colours dialog box: background colour of the dfn guard doesn't change when you change Control Structure background colour
These fixes require new dyares*.dll files. Please download the zipfile appropriate to your edition of Dyalog APL:

To install, download the zip file appropriate to your edition of APL. Unzip the contents of the zip file (one file only) into a temporary directory, and then copy the dyares*.dll file into your Dyalog installation directory ($DYALOG).

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009450: 64 bit only: Array Editor may generate a spurious DOMAIN ERROR when attempting to save an array

24th April 2013

These fixes apply to 13.2 UNICODE only.
It is necessary only to update the 64 bit version of the Array Editor; however the 32 bit version is included for completeness' sake.
To install the patch, download the 32-bit or 64-bit zip file as appropriate. Unzip into a temporary directory and then copy the .dll and help directory into the Dyalog installation directory.

Note: Dyalog only supports the Array Editor with the Unicode edition of Dyalog APL 13.2 for Windows. Visit for support for Classic editions and for other APL dialects.

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009280: There needs to be a way to free ARRAY structures allocated by ObjectToARRAY() from bridge_132_unicode_ap.dll

19th March 2013

These fixes appear in 13.2 only. Unless therwise directed by Dyalog, it is most unlikely that this enhancement will be of use.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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009212: Array Editor: Changes to numeric arrays fail with a spurious DOMAIN ERROR in versions to

15th February 2013

These fixes apply to 13.2 UNICODE only.
To install the patch, download the 32-bit or 64-bit zip file as appropriate. Unzip into a temporary directory and then copy the .dll and help directory into the Dyalog installation directory.

Note: Dyalog only supports the Array Editor with the Unicode edition of Dyalog APL 13.2 for Windows. Visit for support for Classic editions and for other APL dialects.

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008889: Decimal serialization and double to System.Decimal conversion issues

14th January 2013

These fixes appear in 13.1 only.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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008797: Add support for Integrated Windows Authentication to Conga

12th September 2012

This is Conga version 2.3. It adds support for Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) and a number of minor bug fixes. Conga 2.3 will be issued with Dyalog APL 13.2, but will work with Versions 13.0 onwards; it is possible to use Conga 2.3 with Dyalog APL Version 12.1 - please contact support for more information. Conga 2.3 is also available for Linux and AIX - please contact support for more information.

To install, download the appropriate zip file for the version of Dyalog APL which you are using and extract the contents of the zip file into the Dyalog installation directory. Note: because the name of the dlls etc includes the Conga version number you should copy the DRC namespace from the included workspace so that you pick up the correct dlls.

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008644: .NET framework 4.5: APL callbacks are not connected to the event handler of an instance of a .NET class and
008668: Conversion to and from the Dyalog DECF and the .NET Decimal type do not work if the system decimal separator is not "."

10th September 2012

Note that .NET 4.5 comes as part of Visual Studio 2012.
Note also that the fix for 8668 does not appear in 12.1 since DECF support was added in 13.0 onwards.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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008470: Configuration enhancement: in Classic trace/edit mode the session can be set to appear above Edit and Trace windows

22nd May 2012

This enhancement allows the user to select whether, when in Classic Edit/Trace mode, the session window can appear ontop of open edit/trace windows or not. This applies to Version 13.0 onwards.
This option is associated with the SessionOnTop string value in the Dyalog key in the Registry; it is possible therefore to use regedit to add this value to the Registry. However, if you would rather use the Configure box to do so, you will need to download and install the appropriate version of dyares*.dll.
To install this fix, download the appropriate dyares*dll file into a temporary directory and then replace the existing dyares*dll in $DYALOG. We strongly recommend that you take a copy of the existing dyares*dll file beforehand.
These dyares*.dll files should only be used in conjunction with interpreters with an SVN greater than 13.0.13294 or 13.1.13294 as appropriate.

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Windows: Rapidly starting an AP multiple times results in 64-bit APLs hanging

20th March 2012

This issue affects only 64-bit versions of Dyalog APL running under Windows.
Symptoms include APL hanging, or syserror 28s. It has only been reported in environments in which APs were restarted very frequently, although the issue could arise in any 64-bit APL under Windows.
If you have compiled and linked your own APs, then you will need to relink with the new libraries which are in xfsrc.
To install this fix, download the appropriate zip file, and then extract the contents into the xflib and xfsrc directories under $DYALOG.

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It is not possible to use a Signature that contains an array of exported objects in a function exported to a .NET assembly.

24th February 2012

It is not possible to use a Signature that contains an array of exported objects in a function exported to a .NET assembly.
The fix for this requires new .NET interface files, which are on the DSS web pages. This is for 12.1 and 13.0; the version number in both cases is 12170.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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Running .NET functions in multiple APL threads could generate a memory leak

18th January 2012

Running .NET functions in multiple APL threads could generate a memory leak
The fix for this requires new .NET interface files, which are on the DSS web pages. This is for 12.1 and 13.0; the version number in both cases is 11558.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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APL functions used as .NET delegates do not correctly return valuetypes

29th November 2011

APL functions used as .NET delegates do not correctly return valuetypes
The fix for this requires new .NET interface files, which are on the DSS web pages. This is for 12.1 and 13.0; the version number in both cases is 11154.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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The use of some .NET delegate types could generate an ArgumentException

25th October 2011

The use of some .NET delegate types could generate an ArgumentException (Duplicate dynamic module name within an assembly.)
The fix for this requires new .NET interface files, which are on the DSS web pages. This is for 12.1 and 13.0; the version number in both cases is 10845.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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Syserror involving .NET calls and )si

20th July 2011

In certain circumstances when APL functions which are .NET callbacks are on the stack, running )SI can result in a syserror. The fix for this requires new .NET interface files, which are on the DSS web pages. This is for 12.1 and 13.0; the version number in both cases is 9921.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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Exported In-process server did not look for Dyalog DLL in the same directory.

10th July 2011

In V10.1 and prior of Dyalog APL it was possible to put the dyalog DLL in the same directory as an exported In-process server; this functionality was removed in 11.0. This functionality has been restored to 12.1 and 13.0, but to be effective does require a new dllstub.dll. There is no need to download this file if you are not proposing to create In-process servers.

To install, download the appropriate zip file from the list below, unzip the dllstub.dll file from the zip file, and copy it into $DYALOG (the directory where your interpreter resides). You must re-export your In-process server for this change to be effective.

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.NET Interface required for 12.1 and 13.0 intepreters with SVN 9220 or higher

22nd May 2011

If you patch 12.1 to or 13.0 to 13.0.9220 or greater, then you MUST apply these .NET interface patches; failure to do so will result in all .NET-related APL code failing.

007273: The :Base keyword does not invoke the base constructor on the correct thread.
007274: The :For keyword does not create a .NET enumerator on the correct thread.

The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.
Note that this is the first .NET update for V13.0; the update process differs from that for 12.1, and will be further enhanced in future V13.0 .NET interface patches.

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Fixes and enhancements for 007048 & 007173

11th April 2011

007048: Accessing the .NET framework from a thread who's parent thread has ended could occasionally crash the interpreter
007173: It is not possible to call a "family" or "protected" base class constructor with :Base
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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Fixes and enhancements for 006963 & 006910

9th March 2011

006963: It is not possible to create assemblies with .NET v4
Note that this resolves the issue "how to not destabilize the runtime" in the Dyalog Forums
006910: Unexpected System.TypeInitializationException using an assembly exported from Dyalog
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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006958: The .NET interface does not pick the best overload for a vector of 2 character vectors

28th February 2011

The .NET interface files at the bottom of the page include this and all previous .NET interface fixes.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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006790: Null reference exception using character vectors as indices to input data into a .NET table object

17th February 2011

This latest set of .NET interface files has just this one fix over and above what was previously posted.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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006542: Minor Enhancement: Add .NET AP bridge files to .NET installation images

15th November 2010

The latest set of .NET interface files have no additional fixes above what was included in the set posted on 1st November 2010. This is a packaging fix, to include the .NET bridge file for APs.
If you have already installed the interface files dated 1st November, there is no benefit to installing this set.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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Fixes for .NET related problems #6424/#6452, #6446 and #6496

1st November 2010

This latest set of .NET interface files includes fixes for the following issues:
006424: Odd results when looking at certain .NET string arrays
006452: The UNICODE interpreter does not convert .NET arrays of System.Char of rank >=2 correctly
006446: Returning the incorrect type from a function exported in a .NET assembly could generate a System.ExecutionEngineException
006496: The DyalogProvider class (for ASP.NET) incorrectly uses the word "virtual" instead of the keyword "overridable"

The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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Fixes for problems .NET related #6419/6451 (cutting back stack) and #6420 (Incorrect shape of property fn)

8th October 2010 (updated)

006419: It is now possible to cut the stack back when tracing a .NET callback or function called by .NET.
To achieve this APL flags an exception to .NET, expecting that .NET will in turn flag an exception once .NET has finished its own exception handling.
[update] The fix for this enhancement requires a change to both the .NET dlls, and to the APL interpreter; you must have the .NET dlls from 8th October or later installed, as well as an interpreter with a version number of at least

006420: The value passed to a property setter function had incorrect shape when called from .NET.

The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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Fix for problem #6220: Crash with .NET, threading and marshalling

10th August 2010

This fix prevents certain crashes when using the .NET interface in a threaded environment.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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Further fix for Problem #6113: UCS-4/UTF-32 characters are truncated when being passed across the .NET interface

29th June 2010

Re: 006113: UCS-4/UTF-32 characters are truncated when being passed across the .NET interface
The original fix did not cover all cases of data being passed across the interface; this fix completes the coverage.
The latest .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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June 2010 rollup of V12.1 .NET DLLs and APs

25th June 2010

The packages listed here supercede all previous V12.1 .NET DLLs and AP support, and include all fixes that have been included in previous packages. Once installed it will not be necessary to install any previous packages detailed on this page.

The .NET DLLs include a number of bug fixes related to exporting .NET assemblies, and includes a fix for 006113: UCS-4/UTF-32 characters are truncated when being passed across the .NET interface. Note that there is a further fix for this bug here

The .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

The AP zip files includes the entire contents of the xflib and xfsrc directories; these zip files therefore supercede all previous V12.1 AP fixes.

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Fix for Problem #5825: Incorrect use of op_Implicit in System.Web.Control .NET class

24th March 2010

Re: 5825: Unexpected DOMAIN ERROR when altering width of .NET GUI object. The .NET DLLs can be found at the bottom of this page.

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Fixes to memory leaks when running an APL .NET server from ASP.NET

3rd February 2010

Re: 5659: There are small memory leaks when running an APL .NET server from ASP.NET. To get these fixes you need to download the interpreter dlls from the main DSS page, and the .NET DLLs at the bottom of this page.

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Change to AP interface in V12.1 64-bit editions for Windows requires new APs and rebuilding customer's APs

27th January 2010

Re: 005583: 12.1 Windows 64 bit APLs: apld.lib asserts when trying to run recompiled APs

There was a problem with the AP interface for V12.1 64-bit APLs for Windows which prevented APs compiled by users from running.
The fix for this includes a change to the AP interface in both the interpreter and the APs. It is therefore necessary to ensure that either both the interpreter and any AP (including those supplied by Dyalog) are dated 2010-01-18 or later, or that both the interpreter and any AP are both dated 2010-01-11 or earlier. You will need to rebuild all APs after having installed the new apld.lib and apl.lib which are included in the appropriate zip file.

The following two zip files include recompiled qfsck.exe, strand.exe, xutils.exe, and apld.lib and apl.lib. To install, download the appropriate zip file, and extract the files into $DYALOG/xflib and $DYALOG/xfsrc.

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Mapped variables and ∆mput and ∆mappend now supported by 64-bit interpreters

27th October 2009

All 64-bit versions of Dyalog APL from V11.0 onwards have been enhanced so that they support mapped variables. Additionally the util workspace has been updated so that the functions ∆MPUT and ∆MAPPEND support 64-bit variables.

Note: mapped variables can only be accessed using the same interpreter that created the mapped file. That is, they can only be accessed with interpreters that have the same width (32- or 64-bit) and the same chip type (little- or big-endian); classic and unicode interpreters that have the same width and chip type can access each other's mapped files, provided that those files do not contain character arrays.
If it is necessary to convert the contents of mapped files containing APL variables from one type of interpreter to another, then it will be necessary to use component files, DWSOUT/DWSIN or some similar method.
Dyalog may remove or relax these limitations in future releases.

To use mapped variables in a 64-bit interpreter, you will need to download util.dws (those using *nix-based interpreters may wish to rename the file as "util"). Additionally you will need to use a 64-bit interpreter created or patched on or after 27th July 2009. Interpreters created before this date will return a NONCE ERROR.

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Latest PATCH.DWS (9th February 2009)

8th February 2009

From February 2009, the DSS pages will be hosted at Eventually, will no longer host DSS pages and you will need to use new patch workspaces:

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Auxiliary Processors Containing Fix for V12.0, Problems #3895, #4616 and #4233

20th May 2009

#4616 is a problem for 32 bit auxiliary processors with V12.0 only. There is a memory leak when releasing any array of doubles of odd rank; Dyalog recommends that you recompile all APs in order to avoid potential problems.

#3895 and #4233 fix issues with ss in the Unicode versions only

It is not therefore strictly necessary to install the 64 bit classic version; the executables and source files etc are included for completeness. These fixes also include those for #3680, mentioned below.

To install:

Download the appropriate zip file, and extract the contents of both the xflib and xfrsc folders into the folders of the same name in $DYALOG.

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Auxiliary Processors Containing Fix for Problem #3680

28th October 2008

Updated executables, to go in the xflib folder:

Updated C files which should go into the xfsrc subdirectory:

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"Stubs" Including Fix for Problem #3609

6th June 2008

Three "stub" files shipped with version 12.0.1 contain references to the incorrect DLL names. If you get an error message referring to DLL's with names containing "111", you need to download updated stub files and place them BOTH in $DYALOG and in the $DYALOG\bin folder.

Note that the stub files shipped in the 12.0.3 release (which is the one that has been available for download since August 2008) are NOT in error; this applies only to the stub files shipped with the 12.0.1 release.

Download updated stub dlls (Last updated 04 June 2008):

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Updated SQAPL DLL for v11.0 32-bit

28th February 2008

This download contains version of SQAPL for Dyalog APL 11.0 32-bit; later versions of the interpreter include this SQAPL version already.

Download downloadme Last updated 20 February 2008.

To install, unzip the downloaded file into a temporary directory, and then copy cndya50.dll into $DYALOG\bin.

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Latest Conga 2.5 downloads

The lastest version of Conga is 2.5; below are zip/tar files containing the latest versions of the files which make up Conga. These contain bug fixes and enhancements made since the initial release of Conga 2.5, and are cumulative.



The files dated 2014-11-13 differ from those of 2014-08-08 only in that the RIDE shared libraries have been removed from the tar file; these shared libraries are now included in all Linux 14.0 installation images.

Microsoft Windows

The files dated 2014-11-13 differ from those of 2014-08-08 only in that the RIDE DLLs have been removed from the zip file; these DLLs are now available separately from

Raspberry Pi

To install:

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Latest .NET Interfaces downloads

There have been a number of improvements and bug fixes for many of the Interfaces to the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Please download the correct package for your system. Please note that the packages are not interchangeable, but many can be installed on a single system.

To check the currently installed files:
      {⎕ml←0 ⋄ ↑⍕¨⍵}AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies
Remember to check both the bridge* entry and the dyalognet entry; the two should have the same version number.

You may also need to patch the corresponding Dyalog APL executables and DLLs to builds made on or after the dates specified below.

To install the latest .NET Interface for Version 13.0 onwards:

To install the latest .NET Interface (Versions 12.0 and 12.1):

To install the latest .NET Interface (Version 11.0):

This mechanism replaces the files held in the GAC and in $DYALOG\bin directory. If you have taken copies of these files, then you will need to replace these copies too.

In some circumstances it may be necessary to delete older versions from the GAC; if you are unable to delete these files because they are in use, you will first need to delete the appropriate entries for bridge files, dyalognet files and dyalogprovider files in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Assemblies\Global.

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